Deepfake Tech Drastically Improves CGI Princess Leia in ROGUE ONE



Rogue One is easily one of my favorite Star Wars movies to come out of Lucasfilm since Disney took over. It featured some very cool moments involving Darth Vader and the surprise appearance of a young Princess Leia at the end of the film.

While seeing Princess Leia appear in the movie was awesome, there was something off with the CGI. It didn’t quite fully work, but YouTube user Shamook has swooped in using deepfake technology to improve on what was previously done. He says:

Using deep fake software I’ve managed to enhance Hollywoods CGI version of Princess Leia in Rogue One. The process took only 24 hours on an $800 PC and 500 images of Carrie Fisher in the original Star Wras movies. As you can see it’s inevitable Hollywood will start to utilies this method of VFX, when and how is still the question.

The deepfake version of Carrie Fisher looks so much better! Check out the video below and let us know what you think!
