We welcome and love new contributors/reporters from our growing news community. Here’s what you need to know:
1. Word count: No minimums but news typically run between 250 and 1000 words. Please stay under 1000 words.
2. Tone: Inclusive, accessible and generally positive. Take a look around and see what we’ve previously posted.
3. Original Content: We ask that posts submitted be unique and original news to Indilens. We do not accept source less news or those have already been published or submitted elsewhere online (not even on your personal blog) or that you plan to distribute to other websites.
4. We are not interested in national news: If you work for a content farm or are writing articles for the sole purpose of linking up keywords in an effort to boost SEO or to plug a product or brand name in a post, we are not interested. If your submission or bio references or promotes a business or service that is not in line with our philosophy (e.g. a weight-loss gimmick), then we are not interested.
5. Bio and promotion: Since we do not compensate contributors for news, we’re more than happy to include a byline and your brief bio containing links to your website, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter accounts, which we will promote when your post goes live. Please keep your bio to just 2-3 sentences.
6. Health claims: If you mention a statistic or a study in your piece, please include a link to that source. If you’re claiming that a certain food is healthy, tell us how you know. Ideally you’d link to peer-reviewed scientific papers, academic journals, and/or credible news outlets. This way, readers can follow your line of thinking and investigate further if they want to know more.
7. We love connecting with new contributors: We are covering an insane amount of ground all over the country, Indilens consists of just a few people. As such, sometimes we don’t have the opportunity to respond to all submissions. We can assure you, however, that we carefully read every single submission that we receive. If your post has been accepted, we will respond within 24 hours. If your post has not run within 3 days of submission, we have passed.
8. Multiple submission at a time: You can submit multiple news at a time: You’re welcome to submit with a different news after 24 hours.
9. By submitting to Indilens, you acknowledge that you accept our terms, and any form of editing that might occur on behalf of the Indilens editorial team.
Go through below to find out more about our submission process, including contact information for submissions.
Send your News to Indilens team at ceo@indilens.com or marketing@indilens.com
i want send one post here