Seven killed in Jaisalmer road accident in Rajasthan

Jaipur, June 27 (IANS): Seven people were killed and four others were injured when a sports utility vehicle they were travelling in collided with a truck in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer Friday.

Seven killed in Jaisalmer road accident in Rajasthan

English: The Vidhan Sabha is the seat of Rajas...
The Vidhan Sabha is the seat of Rajasthan’s Legislative assembly. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Some labourers were returning home in the SUV. It seems the driver lost balance of the vehicle and it rammed into the truck. Seven labourers, aged between 25 and 30 years, died on the spot, a police officer said.”

Police said the mishap occurred in Somesar village, some 600 km from here.

Some labourers were returning home in the SUV. It seems the driver lost balance of the vehicle and it rammed into the truck. Seven labourers, aged between 25 and 30 years, died on the spot, a police officer said.

Four others who were hurt were rushed to a hospital in Jodhpur where their condition is stated to be critical.