All Assam Minorities Students Union will burn effigies of Gogoi and Hagrama

Guwahati, 3 May-2014(Indilens Web Team): Amid of current non Bodo killing (minority Muslim) in BTAD (Bodoland Territorial Autonomous Districts), the AAMSU (All Assam Minorities Students Union) urges all section of people to be clam and maintain peace. AAMSU will burn effigies of Chief Minster Tarun Gogoi and BTAD Chief Hagrama Mahilary.

All Assam Minorities Students Union will burn effigies of Gogoi and Hagrama

All Assam Minorities Students Union will burn effigies of Gogoi and Hagrama
All Assam Minorities Students Union(AAMSU): LOGO

In a statement, AAMSU leader Advocate Azizur Rahman says,

” We have decided to burn effigy of Tarun Gogoi, chief minister of Assam and Hagrama Mohilary, the chief of BTC tomorrow on 3rd may at every district of Assam in protest of mass killings of innocent minority people of Assam. We are demanding resignation of Tarun Gogoi as he is totally failed to run the home dept and expulsion of council govt headed by Hagrama Mohilary as they have no any control in BTC area. All district committees are directed to make success the said program.”

He added ” Effigies  burning will start at 11.30 AM each every district head quarter.” The AASU leader said, ” We are against any kind of killing either Muslim or any other. However, this is not communal violence as it is complete pre planned genocide. So we appeal all peace loving people to attend these effigies burning and protest rally. Once again we appeal, People from all section should raise their voices to stop such brutal killings of innocent people”

Editor’s note: Local administration official declared that 24 people has been gunned down by suspected BODO terrorists since last 24 hours in BTAD, Assam. Our reporter says that the number will be risen up to 100 as curfew is imposed and army flag marches whole BTAD area.