Use these 6 simple steps to open a bank account online

None of us needs to visit a bank to open a bank account today since it is done using mobile banking apps. In this article, we take the example of IDFC FIRST Bank’s stellar mobile banking app to describe the procedure of opening a bank account online in India today. Read further to know about 3 features that you must prioritise while opening an online bank account. Given below is the example of IDFC FIRST Bank, one of India’s best banks that has, in a short span of time become a top-of-the-mind, trustworthy name in the new age banking industry today

What to Know Before You Open a Bank Account Online

Here are the steps that you must follow while you can open an online bank account and use IDFC FIRST Bank mobile banking app:

1. Visit the account-opening link

You can either search for the term “open IDFC FIRST Bank instant online bank account” using the search engine of your choice or click on this link. This link will lead you to the account-opening page.

2. Provide the required details

As the next step, you must provide your personal details such as your mobile number, Aadhaar number or VID (Virtual ID) number, PAN (Permanent Account Number), and email address to proceed.

3. Select the savings account variant of your choice

In the next step, you must select the variant of your savings account. IDFC FIRST Bank offers two variants of savings accounts; the key features of both of which are mentioned below:

  • IDFC FIRST Bank’s ₹10000 Savings Account variant offers a competitive interest per annum, monthly interest credits, and a personal accident cover of ₹5 lakh to the customer among other major benefits.
  • The ₹25000 Savings Account variant offers features such as a personal accident cover of ₹35 lakhs, lost card liability worth ₹6 lakh and an air accident cover of ₹1 crore among other benefits.

In both these variants, IDFC FIRST Bank offers the “Zero Charges” benefit, which helps customers save significantly on accessing banking services.

4. Fund your account online

After finishing the third step, you will be able to access the benefits offered by IDFC FIRST Bank on their savings accounts. You must now fund your account online to start benefiting from monthly interest credits and the high interest rate.

5. Complete video KYC

The fifth step in setting up your online bank account is that you must go through the video KYC procedure and finish it. Doing so will remove transaction restrictions and allow you to transact normally using your bank account; that is, without any restrictions.

6. Choose mobile banking services

Finally, you must sign up for mobile banking services offered by the bank to access its banking services better. IDFC FIRST Bank’s famous mobile banking app helps customers do everything from budgeting better and making instant online transfers to making investments and applying for instant personal loans. Choosing the right mobile banking app can also help you contact the bank’s customer service easily.

Follow the six steps mentioned in this article to apply for an online bank account with any bank in India. Be sure to sign up for the bank’s mobile banking services to access services more conveniently.