7 people died in Kargil road accident, 5 dead bodies rescued

Kargil, July 18,Sajjad Kargili: At least seven persons died in an accident on Kargil-Zanaskar road when a passenger cab fell into Suru River at Tangole village, 75 km from Kargil district.

7 people died in Kargil road accident, 5 dead bodies rescued

Farmland in Kargil District, Lamakh.
Farmland in Kargil District, Lamakh. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The white colour Scorpio passenger vehicle bearing registration number PB65T 7845 was full of passengers and on way to Zanaksar when it met with an accident. Five bodies were recovered and taken to the hospital at Panikhar. All the passengers were from Zanaskar.

Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) Chief Executive Councilor, Asgar Ali Karbalai; Executive Councilors Shiekh Hussain Raisi and Skalzanag Wangyal visited the spot and Panikhar hospital where the bodies had been brought for carrying autopsy.
CEC Kargil expressed condolence with the bereaved families.
The CEC also called upon Army and locals to help search missing bodies from the river.