Creativity with, Self Confidence Challenge :ITC Classmate

Mumbai, Dr Amrita Rao: With STEM education being the focus, we forget to nurture creativity.But did you know exploring nature and nurturing creativity is one way of helping your child to learn better?

Engineers can draw.A banker can be a graphic designer too.A scientist may be a doodle artist.
It’s important you nurture a child’s creativity.That’s why the idea of  customisable notebooks by classmate is a beautiful way to do just that.Science and arts are not opposite ends of the brain.In fact, research has proved, exploring the artistic side of personality helps in critical thinking skills, improves mathematical prowess and helps children become more well rounded.

In this age of learning skills, we should remember to help our child grow all the skills he shows interest in.Thinking out of the box and entrepreneurship, scientific innovations are all examples of creative thinking.

Can you teach a two year I  to make an airplane model?Not really.But you can help them scribble, doodle and finger paint.The right environment goes a long way in exploring creativity and growing a creative brain.

I am an ENT surgeon and a teacher in a Medical College.I also write, blog, do tech stuff, freelance as a graphic designer.Not possible if my mom didn’t encourage me when I was a tiny tot.With encouragement from my mother and my art teacher, I kept in touch with my creative side.Doing artwork and crafting is also an effective way to beat stress.

Creativity & Intelligence

Formal education has a big role in making a child confident.But I  believe exploring creativity, thinking out of the box is a great way to support the development of intelligence.

Creativity is Intelligence having fun.Einstein

It’s important you admire a child’s scribbles, those wall arts, and random drawings.That’s her expression of life around her and gives clues to her skills.

It’s important we nurture a child’s creativity.That’s why the personalized notebooks by classmate is a beautiful way to do just that.When I was a little girl my mom was forever trying to store my artwork.Now it’s my turn.Luckily for me, I have ways of doing this quickly online with the click of a mouse.

How can you make your own customized notebook?

  • Login to the ITC classmate dashboard
  • Select,size,binding,number of pages,ruled or blank.
  • Upload your child’s artwork with the specified dimensions, customize colors, message and voila!You have a selection of gorgeous notebooks your child will treasure.

Nurturing Creativity  & Self-trust

If you want to go a step forward and help build confidence, the best way to do that is to believe in them.

Imagine notebooks with your child’s paintings, sketches, doodles!That’s what make memories.

Creativity is a form of self-expression.Research has proved that creativity, creative thinking, finding new solutions to old problems is what happens when children are encouraged to explore their creatives ide.
When you encourage creative play you improve self-trust and self-confidence.This has the ability to have a far-reaching effect.Growing up the child learns to value this side of theirs.Their self-confidence in their creative thinking and creative skills gives them extra resources for problem-solving.

Motivation, human achievement and your role as a parent are interlinked.But how?That still is a mystery.

My job as a mommy is to give love, protection, guidance, and support so that she grows up self-reliant and independent.By showing confidence and happiness in her achievements I give her critical life skills.

These artworks were some of the few I used.

Creativity and Self confidence with ITC Classmate
Creativity and Self-confidence with ITC Classmate

I just completed ordering my set of customized classmate copies for my daughter with her artwork.I am excited to see the look on her face when they come.Have you ever made personalized notebooks for your children?

Share with me in the comments below, how you encourage your child’s creativity.Would like to order a set of classmate notebooks with her artwork for your child?

How would you like to win a set of customized ITC classmate copies with your child artwork?

If the answer is yes.Read on!