Social desk: Marriage is one of the cheerful heavenly activities in India which follows the tradition of Indus Valley.
Supreme Court of India makes marriage registration compulsory.
A bench comprising justices Mr. Arijit Pasayat and Mr. SH Kapadia in a 14 page judgement made marriage registration compulsory. Supreme Court felt that this ruling was necessitated by the need of time to provide equal rights to women.
Financial transactions and documentation
Clinch your marriage certification for availing Passports, Visas, Joint Home Loans, Joint Bank Accounts, etc. Any addition of Spouse (Husband / Wife) name to Passport now requires a mandatory production of Marriage Certificate.Marriage Certificate would now be compulsorily required to be presented, while claiming of Life Insurance Proceeds, Mutual Funds etc. in case of the death of the spouse.
Trial of will
Marriage certificate is the most important and vital piece of document required to file your claim to the wealth of the deceased spouse. It is thus required to complete the process of registration of marriage for the purpose of execution of the will.
Preserve your marriage
With the proof of marriage the security and sanctity is ensured. Marriage registration never implies the lack of trust in the relation moreover it shows the step taken to affirm the bond.
Liberation from fine
To notify the newly married couples for marriage registration in order to flee from the fine which would otherwise be imposed if not registered within two months of the marriage.