In the complaint that Sushant Singh Rajput’s father KK Singh filed at the Patna police station against actress Rhea Chakraborty, he accused her of siphoning of Rs 15 crore from the late actor’s bank account. Then Enforcement Directorate (ED) registered a money laundering case against the actress. Till date, Rhea has been grilled twice by ED for many hours.
According to sources, no concrete evidence has been found on the allegation made by Sushant’s father. In fact, Sushant’s bank account also reflects that he paid Rs 2.78 crore as GST and Income Tax.
Earlier, Sushant Singh Rajput’s chartered accountant Sandeep Shridhar revealed that the actor didn’t have the amount of money that is being claimed by his family members. The CA, who had been working for the actor for over a year, also said that no transactions even worth a lakh were made to Rhea or her family members accounts from Sushant’s bank accounts.
On Friday, Rhea was grilled for eight-and-a-half hours by the ED. Today, the actress is again being questioned by the department. Rhea’s brother, Showik Chakraborty, is being questioned for the third time today.
Sources say the actress will also be questioned about her Khar property and if she has any knowledge about Sushant’s investment(s) in last 2 years. And if she or any of her family members is nominee of that investment(s).