Train services have been suspended between Bihar’s Darbhanga and Samastipur due to incessant rain and flood like situation in these areas, Chief Public Relation Officers of East Central Railway informed ANI.
As many as 7,65,191 people were affected due to floods triggered by incessant rains in Bihar while 13,877 people have been staying in shelter homes, the state government said on Thursday.
People in various districts of the state have been hit hard by floods for the last few days.
The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has deployed 21 rescue teams in Bihar.
NDRF DG SN Pradhan on Thursday said that the monsoon this year has been above normal and there has been heavy rain. This is leading to a flood-like situation in different parts of the country.
“The rescue operations are underway. In Bihar, the water flow depends on rains in Nepal’s Terai region. The evacuation is selective in most places as the rural people decide when they should go to the camp, but they are persuaded to do so if the situation is severe,” said Pradhan.
He further said that water stagnation may persist and chances are that the NDRF teams will remain deployed. No deaths have been reported in Bihar so far but people are facing snake bites, he added.