The worlds created by Disney films have left a legacy and an impression on countless fans. These films have become tradition, and for some, even a part of a family’s culture. Disney+’s new series Prop Culture celebrates Disney films, ones that have defined the company, ones that bond families and ones that have entertained for generations.
Disney’s Prop Culture launched in May and already has made a wave among Disney and prop fans. The first season of the series focuses on eight movies, including Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and Mary Poppins. Each episode, host Dan Lanigan visits various behind the scenes figures along with actors involved in the movie. He also travels to Disney’s archives to borrow and explore some original props. Dan Lanigan enters Prop Culture as this mysterious authority figure about all things Disney. He gives viewers a little info about his background, but we wanted to know more about this Prop Culture host.
Lanigan has been collecting props and movie artifacts for over 20 years. He became interested in acquiring props when he was a child. He used to visit his brother in the summer, and they would tour parks, especially the MGM Studios park. This started his love of props and how they represent a film’s history. His first significant find came in the form of the Toon gun from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. At the time, he believed it was the gun that Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins) carried in Toontown. He later found out that it was a replica given to the Who Framed Roger Rabbit crew as gifts.
Prop Culture is a series that Lanigan created and executive produces. He developed the idea years ago, and pitched it to a few companies before it made its way to Disney+. The series originally had a longer list of films that Lanigan and his team wanted to explore, which may get covered in future seasons of Prop Culture. He mentioned to The Disney Insider that he would love to cover such films as Dragonslayer, Edward Scissorhands, and Hocus Pocus.
Dan Lanigan started his career working on the series Race to the Scene, a reality series hosted by Dolph Lundgren that features teams of contestants who race to historic movie locations by performing stunts from blockbuster movies like Pulp Fiction and Terminator. Lanigan also worked on the films Izzy Lyon: The Unspun Truth, Fan-O-Rama and the TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return and West Texas Investors Club. Lanigan owns a production company called CinemaRelics, which is usually how he produces most of his projects.
One of his biggest collections is The Nightmare Before Christmas, which includes some of the original Jack Skellington puppets. Dan Lanigan recently joined Instagram, and though it doesn’t have many posts at the moment, it’ll probably eventually have more pictures of his collections (which he has spent at least $270,000 on a single item). His dream buy would be Harrison Ford’s jacket from Blade Runner.
See more of Dan Lanigan and his love for film history by streaming all season 1 of Prop Culture on Disney+.