Higher expectancy rate alert: Do women require term cover more than men?

When it comes to investing for their own self, women are quite hesitant and scared of the outcome. However, women are now confident in managing their day-to-day budgeting but are not too comfortable discussing money with family. The reason behind why a majority of the women hold back when it comes to discussing money is because they were not raised to talk about their finances which leads to them not feeling confident enough to talk about their views and financial decisions.

Know Advantage of Term Insurance as a Pure Risk Protection Cover

In India, women may be in good positions at work but for security, most of them are still dependent on fathers or their husbands. As a result, most women associate their social security with marriage. Women from all walks of life multitask all the time, they play an important role in nurturing and taking care of the family. Most of these women are single moms and sole earners of the households. Unfortunately, they tend to neglect their health and are at a greater risk of suffering from heart-related diseases, reproductive health, depression are just some of the reasons why women in India need to opt for a term policy insurance at the earliest.

Statistically speaking, life expectancy is a measure of how long an individual can be assumed to live. Oddly, it is still unsure why females seem to outlive men, whether it is the differences between the sexes immunity or their lifestyle habits that lead to men’s life expectancy to be shorter. With pollution, adulteration and unhealthy lifestyle habits showing an upward trend putting the whole family’s health at risk.

What is term insurance?

A term insurance policy offers financial coverage to the policyholder for a specific time period. In case of death of the policy owner, the death benefit is paid by the insurance company to the beneficiary. A term plan not only offers financial security to the insured individual’s family, but it is also capable of fulfilling its future needs such as children’s higher education, marriage, etc. Getting an online term policy is one of the best ways to avail the highest life coverage for minimum premiums during the term of the policy. A term policy should not be ignored and should be done as early as possible.

Term insurance policy for women

A term insurance policy is directly related to the age and income of the policyholder. With the rise in the number of working women, it has become important for women to get term insurance under their name. A woman’s demise in the family has a paralyzing effect on the other dependent members. Especially if she is a sole earner this causes major financial loss for the family.

The absence of a female member may result in a void that may not be easy to fill. A term insurance policy is a way for you to leave a legacy for your children or your spouse. At a time when you are no longer around to take care of them, they will remember you and be grateful for the fact that you provided for them the best you could. Moreover, you should be aware that insurance has nothing to do with your marital status. If you are earning, you should opt for term policy and not rely only on group plans. It is best to go for an individual term insurance plan as per your need.