How to Reset BIOS to Default Settings


There are times
when users exhaust all their options and resort to resetting their BIOS in
order to fix their computer.

The BIOS can be
corrupted because of an update gone bad or through malware. Learning how to
reset the BIOS is important in the event that you’d need to troubleshoot your

is BIOS?

BIOS stands for
Basic Input Output System. Every motherboard comes with BIOS. This software
makes it possible for users to troubleshoot the computer.

Usually, computer
technicians go into the BIOS setup to make adjustments to change the boot order
or configure the keyboard control. It also provides a list of installed
hardware like your hard drive, CPU, and RAM.

It doesn’t matter
what operating system you use. Whether you’re running Linux or Windows, you
will have access to the BIOS settings since practically every motherboard comes
with one.

is UEFI?

Newer computers
have replaced BIOS with UEFI or Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. UEFI is
faster and has improved security features compared to BIOS. Both terms,
however, are often used interchangeably by most users.

BIOS vs Desktop BIOS: Is there a difference?

The process
should be the same whether you’re accessing the BIOS in your laptop or your
desktop. But do note that there are cases when users are locked out of their
BIOS completely. This would require that your computer’s housing be opened
which would void your warranty. In cases like this one, it would be best to
leave it to professional technicians.

It does not
matter if you’re running Windows 7, Windows 8, or WIndows 10. All modern
motherboards have built-in BIOS.


How you access
your BIOS would depend on your motherboard. There’s no real standard set so
manufacturers tend to assign different keys. But whatever brand you won,
getting into your BIOS settings start with a PC reboot.

While the
computer is loading, repeatedly hit the key that gets you into BIOS. The load
screen would sometimes leave hints as to what button to press. On most
machines, it would be the F2 key but
some laptops use DEL instead. Hit
the right button enough times and the computer will load your BIOS settings.

Windows 10 users
can also access BIOS using the Shift
+ Restart method. Go to Start > Power. While holding the Shift
key, press Restart. This will bring
up a blue window with several troubleshooting options.

From here, go to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > UEFI
Firmware Settings
. Hit the Restart
button to continue.

The computer will
reboot but enter the BIOS at the end of it instead of bringing you to the login

your BIOS settings

Once you’re in
BIOS, hit the F9 key to bring up the
Load Default Options prompt.
Clicking Yes will be enough to
restore the default settings.

You can also
reset BIOS in the Security tab. Different motherboards have varying menu
options but there will be one that would reset your BIOS.

Don’t forget to Save and Exit when you’re finished.
