World’s leading lung organizations want to ban or restrict e- cigarettes use

Washington, July 13 : A position statement on electronic cigarettes has been released by the experts from the world’s leading lung organizations to ban or restrict their use until their health impacts are better known.

World’s leading lung organizations want to ban or restrict e- cigarettes use

English: Electronic cigarette charger
Electronic cigarette charger (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

President Dean Schraufnagel, MD, lead author of the statement said that the gravity of tobacco used on global health and the historical behavior of the tobacco industry that had included deceit about the health effects of tobacco, intentional marketing to children, and manipulating nicotine levels in cigarettes to maintain addiction should prompt them to proceed cautiously.

The position of FIRS on electronic nicotine delivery devices includes the safety of electronic cigarettes that has not been adequately demonstrated and the addictive power of nicotine and its untoward effects should not be underestimated among other points. (ANI)