If you need to get to a bank and complete some urgent work, make sure you get there today. Banks will remain shut for 4 consecutive days from April 28 to May 1.
With April 28 being the fourth Saturday of the month, banks across the country will not operate. The following day is Sunday, while April 30 is a bank holiday for Buddha Purnima, which will be followed by Labour Day on May 1.
Given the recent cash crunch and the extended weekend, keep in mind that ATMs would also not be replenished. So if you need any cash in hand, make your withdrawals early.
Although the recent cash crunch was resolved within a few days, after it was speculated that banks would not operate for five days from March 29 to April 2, the current weekend could also lead to a similar situation.
Do ensure that your accounts have sufficient balance in case you have EMIs or other payments that are auto debited from your account.
Salaries to come in early
Most companies are crediting salaries of employees on April 27 itself due to the extended weekend.
A Senior HR Manager at a media and publishing house in Mumbai, who did not wish to be named said: “All our employees would receive their salaries early this month, as we considered the extended weekend and credited the remuneration on April 27 itself.”