Five employees of a Shillong hotel were arrested for rape attempt

Shillong. 11 June-2014(Indilens Web Team): Five employees of a Shillong hotel were arrested for attempting to rape a 31-year-old woman from Nagaland on Monday. The accused have been identified as Kajal Paul (22), Belkish Reang (23), Bharat Jamatia (26), Md. Khaliuddin (26) and Shiva Ranjan Ray (23).

Five employees of a Shillong hotel were arrested for rape attempt

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Police informed that the prime accused Paul had attempted to enter the room occupied by the woman through the ventilator with an intent to rape her at around 10 pm on Monday.

The woman, however, locked herself in the wash room and informed her relatives over phone about the incident. Police rushed to the hotel after the relatives of the victim alerted them but were prevented by the other employees of the hotel, who were also arrested, from entering the building as the shutter was forcibly shut. The police then made a forceful entry through the main entrance and arrested them.