25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

Guwahati, 28 April-2014, Shazida Khatun: India is one of the well known common wealth country where British rules lasted approximately 200 years. It is known to all that British rulers’ first choice was spread their language to capture the country. So India was also targeted by the same strategy and English language was dropped every where on Indian society. Indian government has given to English as second language of communication status all over the country after the Independence(1947). But still a few of Indian  make big mistakes in common lives. Recently, I have collected a few of such common mistakes over the English language in Indian society.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

1. Welcome, leadies and jents!

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

2. Gents, you may wash your hands here.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

3. How about a quick launch?

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

4. I’d like mine without cheese, thanks.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

5. Chaineeeeeeeese takeout?

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

6. Moms makes the best moms.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

7. Everything Is So Testy! YUM!

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

8. Past food is the best food!

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

9. Beep steak, medium rare.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

10. Mmm, free cock.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

11. Or maybe something stronger.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

12. Nothing, NOTHING like a child bear to wash it all down.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

13. For all you health freaks.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

14. Room for dessert?

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

15. Sshhh.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

16. Foot in the mouth.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

17. These guys will taste anything. ANYTHING.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

18. Full Body Masaz.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

19. Cut your child here.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

20. Get your eybro perched.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

21. Be careful. Naked people ahead.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

22. Be very careful.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

23. Who doesn’t like to sleep on these?

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide


25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

25. Apostrophes, people, apostrophes.

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

26. Can’t afford tuition?

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

27. Congrations, you passed!

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

28. Have yourself a nonmetallic, chemical new year!

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide

29. Amen!

25+ Indian English Become a Source of Fun and Laugh World Wide
Note: Images are taken from MyIndiapicture.com, lolIndia.com, panoramaIndia.com and quora.com . We have no copy right of these images.