How Important is having Family Health Insurance during COVID-19

We are well-versed with the idea of novel coronavirus spreading across the world. In India, specifically, the cases are on the rise with each passing day. At present, there is no vaccine available to prevent the contraction of this disease. The only way to save yourself in such a situation is to stay home and avoid being exposed to the illness.

As per the safety guidelines released by the government, here’s how you can ensure safety against this virus –

Your health insurance policy might not cover coronavirus in these ...

  • Stay at home
  • Ensure that you are covering your mouth when sneezing and coughing
  • Wear a mask at all times when you are outside your house
  • Disposal of the used tissues in a closed trash bin
  • Clean surfaces regularly

The virus belongs to a large family of viruses that are known to cause mild illnesses such as common flu. However, it can lead to a critical health condition, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). People tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) experience symptoms such as high fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

These are just some preventive measures to keep you safe from the virus. The authorities are ensuring people’s safety by imposing lockdown and restricting travel. In such a situation, you may be contemplating whether or not to buy a health insurance plan.

As per the guidelines issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), all the health insurance policies will cover testing and treatment expenses for coronavirus patients. Further, let us take a look at the importance of health insurance during this pandemic.

  1. High treatment expenses

Contracting coronavirus can impose some serious health risks to you and your loved ones. The diagnosis test for coronavirus in India costs INR 4500 plus the hospitalisation charges. For individuals and families falling under the poverty line, the cost can lead them into financial turmoil.

Hence, to tackle these expenses, having a family health insurance plan is necessary. An adequate health insurance plan will cover the medical expenses and treatment costs incurred in the treatment of COVID-19 or any other illness.

  1. Protection to senior members

Many people have senior members in their family who need constant care. Since the virus is quite deadly, especially affecting the senior citizens and people with low immunity, it only makes sense to buy health insurance. A family health insurance plan will ensure the senior members in the family are covered, and safeguard them from potential health risks.

  1. Financial security

Lastly, health insurance protects your family financially. Since all the medical expenses and hospitalisation costs for COVID-19 are well taken care of under a health insurance plan, you no longer have to bear the expenses from your savings. That way, you can always have a substantial amount saved for tackling other emergencies.

To Sum It Up!

The coronavirus outbreak has undoubtedly taught us multiple things. Apart from the obvious – maintaining daily hygiene – it has re-emphasised the importance of a health insurance plan. So, if you are yet to buy a health insurance plan, now is the time to purchase one!