Israeli airstrike Killed 40 Palestinians in Gaza including 19 Children

Gaza, 20 July- 2014(Xinhua): At least 40 Palestinians were killed and 400 injured Sunday in Israeli artillery fire in Gaza City. Israel is killing Palestinian via 3 sides as airstrikes, navy strikes and ground assault as total innocent killing tolls to 400 and insured 3000+ in last 13 days including 221 children.

Israeli airstrike Killed 40 Palestinians in Gaza including 19 Children

Israeli airstrike Killed 40 Palestinians in Gaza including 19 Children

Officials at Shifa Hospital in Gaza, said that they received 40 bodies who were killed by Israeli bombardment in Shujaiya neighbourhood, east of Gaza City, Xinhua reported.

Israeli airstrike Killed 40 Palestinians in Gaza including 19 Children

Meanwhile, Hamas movement said that what happened in Shujaiya neighbourhood as a war crime, pledging to defeat the Israeli army which started a ground operation in Gaza Thursday.

Israeli airstrike Killed 40 Palestinians in Gaza including 19 Children

Israel said the limited ground operation in Gaza, which came after 11 days of bloody air strikes, is meant to end rocket fire into Israel.

Israeli airstrike Killed 40 Palestinians in Gaza including 19 Children

On July 8, Israel started an all-out aerial operation dubbed Protective Edge to stop rocket fire from Gaza.

Israeli airstrike Killed 40 Palestinians in Gaza including 19 Children

The operation has so far claimed the lives of at least 400 Palestinians and injured more 3,000.