After ringing in the new year, you’re either joining the hangry masses for a greasy brunch on national hangover day or waking up feeling great after ditching the NYE festivities for a lowkey night in. Whether you’re popping Advil like nobody’s business or fighting for a treadmill among the other “new year new meâ€� gym goers, 2018 has a lot in store.
As Venus, the planet of love syncs up with Saturn in Capricorn; it’s time to work on our relationships! From now until the 17th, it’ll be especially important to take a break from the games and get serious with what you’ve been wanting for awhile now but avoiding to confront. After a dreamy past few months, re-grounding yourself and your ideals are crucial! Is your hookup reaching a stagnant point? Consider what’s worthwhile. It’s commitment season, and things will work in your favor once you decide if you’re in or out. Rather than fearing rejection and failure, perhaps taking it slow and being forthright with your status would be a healthier approach.
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