Mumbai,26 May-2014(Indilens web team): One of Aamir Khan’s unreleased film will be seen on the first time on the new channel &pictures. Aamir, who is orchestrating the film’s publicity has barred the channel from share the name of the film as he wants it to makes a splash on the day it’s aired!
Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s unreleased film on small screen
It is film close to Khan’s heart, but could not be released in the theatres. A source from the channel says, “According to Aamir this movie is unlike others. It is not fiction but a real life film. The unreleased film will air on June 8, 2014. The film has drama, love, dreams, action and tragedy and reveals Aamir’s feelings, hard-work and dedication.”
A documentary?
This film has no big names attached to it. reveals an insider, “The cinematographer of the movie was an amateur with very little experience in his field when he shot this. The movie has more than 50 local people acting in it. One of the actors of the movie emerged as a real hero. While shooting for the film he injured his back and was in excruciating pain but it didn’t stop him to do his job. In spite of doctors advising complete bedrest and a break of at least a month, the actor continued to work as it would affect the schedule.”
Talk to Aamir
There will also be a live interactive initiative with Aamir. The channel will select lucky winners across India to watch the film with the actor, who will be watching it live and audiences can call-in and answering questions during the breaks of the film. He will be interacting with fans about the movie, his performance and more.