Google CEO Sundar Pichai is now the highest paid executive in the US

Google CEO Sunder Pichai is now the highest paid executive in the US. Pichai’s net worth rose after he was awarded 273,328 shares of Google’s holding company Alphabet.

At the time, the shares were worth $199 million, taking his holdings up to $650 million.

As cited by Google, according to a Credit Suisse calculation, this is nearly 14,440 times higher than the average net worth of US citizens, however, it is still much lesser than what founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin make, and former CEO Eric Schmidt holds. Larry Page, according to the aforementioned report, is worth $34.6 billion and Brin is worth $33.9 billion.

Pichai was not the only Google executive was given a huge pay. Alphabet’s chief financial officer Ruth Porat was awarded shares worth $38 million over and above her initial signing bonus of $30 million. Head of Google’s cloud computing business, Diane Greene was handed shares worth $42.8 million adding to her $148 million worth assigned last year.