Ukraine recalls its ambassador from Belarus for consultations

KIEV, 24 March 2014. (ITAR-TASS): Ukraine has recalled its ambassador in Belarus, Mykhailo Yezhel, over Belarus’s stance on Crimea, Yevgen Perebiynis, director of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry information policy department, told a briefing on Monday.

Ukraine recalls its ambassador from Belarus for consultations

Mykhailo Yezhel
Mykhailo Yezhel:ITAR-TASS/Mitya Aleshkovsky

“Following a statement made by President Alexander Lukashenko on March, the Foreign Ministry (of Ukraine) has recalled the Ukrainian ambassador from Belarus for consultations and sent a note to the Belarusian side saying that the remarks of the Belarusian president were contradicting universally recognized norms of international law and the position of most countries of the world which condemned Russia’s actions,” Perebeinos stressed.

Earlier, Lukashenko said that Belarus had recognized de facto that Crimea was part of Russia.