10 May Mother’s Day Special all time best 7 advertisements

May 10 is celebrated as Mother’s Day.Mothers are the wind beneath our wings and no matter what you do, her love is the kind that is unconditional. On this Mother’s Day, here’s a list of 7 advertisements that managed to strike the right chord.

1) Samsung Galaxy’s #TextsFromMom

If you’re dealing with your mother’s recent steps in the world of technology and social media, you will chuckle along to Samsung Galaxy’s latest ad called #TextsFromMom. A breath of fresh air amidst all the sentimental Mother’s Day ads, it’s a funny, yet heartwarming take on mothers using text messages to show their love and concern​. Constant texts like ‘Good Morning’ to ‘Good Night’ to ‘Did you have your lunch’ to ‘Please come home early’ may annoy you at times, but hey, it’s just your mother’s way to make sure she feels connected with you throughout the day. If this includes learning new age terms like hashtags and the use of emoticons, so be it! Are you reaching for your phone to call your mom yet?

Watch the video here:

2) ‘Mother by Choice’ by Little Kangaroos

For a mother, her child is special, no matter what. This ad by Little Kangroos tells the story about three mothers who are gifted with differently-abled kids. Despite the many challenges that this throws up, they say they would have it no other way, proving once more that a mother’s love for her child is unconditional.

Watch the video here :

3) #LoveYouMaa by Horlicks  

Thanking all Moms for their unconditional love, this ad talks about all the little and big things that a mother does for her children, from helping you out by ironing your clothes, to encouraging you to follow the dreams that she was not allowed to follow. She gives you the most important and precious thing in the world- her love and time. This ad by Horlicks leaves us with the message that ‘only a mother can give us what she doesn’t have.’

Watch the video here:

4) ‘Moms are Magic’ by Sunfeast

This ad by Sunfeast asks a few questions to kids about their mother. The responses by the kids is endearing and stirs up several childhood memories. From being your personal chef who cooks whatever you demand, making colourful charts with you, cheering you up when you are sad, to indulging you by playing with you – the children talk about all the things that they love about their mother. Childhood is magical because moms play such a huge part in making them so.

Watch the video here:

5) Tayyari Jeet Ki, by Bournvita

This inspiring video by Bournvita highlights the fact that the greatest teacher in your life is often your mother. She not only teaches you how to walk but gives you wings to fly on the path of success. Not one to make things easier for you or deter you from a difficult path, she leads and inspires you to conquer your fears and work towards victory. And no matter where you are, you will always find her beside you as a pillar of support.

Watch the video here:

6) #PutYourHeartToPaper by Hallmark

Hallmark’s ad describes the unconditional love by a mother. Alex talks about his mother accepting him as a boy even though he was born as a girl. When you receive a mother’s hug, do you really need anything more?

Watch the video here:

7) Procter & Gamble Olympics ad

This ad by Proctor and Gamble talks about motherhood being the hardest, yet best job in the world. From waking you up in the morning, helping you through school and always being there to encourage you, no one is more happy and proud than her in your smallest achievements.

Watch the video here: