Season 3 of Fortnite has finally released and brings players a slew of new characters and skins to unlock. The biggest of which has to be the DC Comics crossover character, Aquaman. After many delays from Epic Games, the big boss of season 2, Midas, has finally triggered his doomsday device and brought a massive flood to the battle royale island. With it comes new landmarks, a whole new crew of unlockable characters, brand new ways to traverse the map, and the long-rumored Aquaman crossover.
Much like other crossover characters in Fortnite, Aquaman has his own set of challenges to unlock. Each week a new mission will be available with five total challenges in all. After completing all five of the challenges, players will have access to Aquaman and can even complete one additional mission to unlock his shirtless form. Fortnite has always had fun and creative crossovers with Marvel and DC Comics and with the flooding of battle royale island this season, Aquaman was a perfect choice.

The first weekly challenge in Fortnite to unlock the Aquaman skin is fairly easy, Use a Whirlpool at The Fortilla. This season has added a brand new mechanic in the form of whirlpools. Whirlpools act as a jump pad, meaning when a player hops into one they will be rocketed skyward and able to use their glider to float back down. This can be used in many strategic ways during a battle to either get away from an aggressive enemy player or getting back into the play zone and out of the storm.
The Fortilla is a brand new location located at the bottom left corner of the map. A collection of small islands and shops makes up The Fortilla and it serves as a great starting spot for some easy gear and golden chests. This area also contains Henchmen that will shoot a player on-site, so being careful around these islands is a must. To complete the challenge, players must simply find a whirlpool in the water around The Fortilla islands and either fall or swim into it. The player will be shot back out with the ability to glide safely back to shore and the reward of completing the first challenge to unlock Aquaman.
Fortnite, once again, has given players a whole new arena to play in and fun challenges to keep the game fresh. With new characters to unlock and one of the best Battle Passes in gaming today, Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 3 is no exception.
Fortnite is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile Devices.